10 sen for every 500ml of mineral/energy
20 sen for every 500ml of nano hydrogen water.
Now look:
Don't you see that there are four filters? fyi, there are three more at the bottom of the vending machine.
Now that, is many!
Let me explain the functions of each and every flter.
Those 3 filters on the bottom are used to produce reverse osmosis water (RO water)
The two upper left filter makes mineral water while the two upper right makes nano hydrogen water.
The filter that produce mineral water is the two upper left filter only
the process of making nano hydrogen water uses all four filters.
You know what? M6 vending machine will be your atm machine if you own one.
It is only RM 24900!
Lets say you save the money in the bank only, how much will you get every year?
0.25%? 1%? 3%? 4%? Lets say you get 4% per annum that means you get RM996 because you save RM 24900 in the bank ten years later, RM 9960. Is that worthed? No, right?
If in ASB, how much will you get every year? 9%? 10%? Lets say 10% . Each year you'll get RM 2490. Ten years later, RM 24900. That surely is NOT WORTHED!
Now what if you invest with M6 vending machine? Every weak you'll get RM 200 - RM 800. Lets say you get RM 200 each week that means you get RM 800 per month. NOT YEAR! If one year? RM 800 x 12 = RM 9600! And YOU calculate how much will you get in 10 years. NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL, WORTHED! Think people, think...
Open your eyes....
Any questions?
Please ask.
'Malu bertanya sesat jalan..'
M6 water mieza